3 Powerful Reasons Any Prospect Will Grant You An Appointment

3 Powerful Reasons Any Prospect Will Grant You An Appointment
3 Powerful Reasons Any Prospect Will Grant You An Appointment

Growing a service business from scratch can be a daunting task. Unlike selling a product, promoting your service business may involve you giving a lot of free trials to prospects, existing customers, and more.

While offering freebies is a great way to have people test the quality of your product or service delivery, you’d still need real paying customers to get cash flowing into your business. Achieving this involves you having productive meetings with high-value clients that have a good chance of paying substantially for your services.

If you find yourself in a tight fix on how to get real meetings and paying customers, here are 3 powerful ways to get top prospects to have a meeting with you:

See Also: 7 Intelligent Ways To Turn Prospects Into Customers


1). A Strong Reputation:

Your reputation preceds you. It is what you stand for and depicts how people will choose to address you. When you’re starting a new business, you may have a low reputation, largely because you have few executed projects or customers to boast of. In this situation, starting small by majorly targeting startups and basic users will build the foundation that’d go on to not just get you meetings with high-value prospects, but would eventually land you your first major client.


2). You Share A Common Interest:

Before most top prospects agree to meet, they do a research on not just the company trying to sign them up, but on the key person that’d be attending the meeting. What drives a connection between the prospect and the individual to increase the chances of a meet-up happening is what they both share in common.

For instance, tech startup founders love to meet-up with other tech startup founders; especially if they’ve been mentioned in the news. Because of what they both have in common, the chances of them meeting-up and working together increases remarkably.

People like people who’re like them, and sharing a common interest is a good way to start a great relationship.

See Also: Starting A Consultancy Services Business? Here Are 10 Ways To Land Your First Client


3). You’re Introduced By A Mutual Acquaintance:

A friend of a friend usually ends up a friend. This stays true in the spirit of networking; especially when you’re trying to land a new client or get an investment. Being recommended by a person or organisation a prospect trusts, means they can put themselves on the line just to prove that you’re worth every penny or time invested.


What are your thoughts on these 3 powerful reasons any prospect will grant you an appointment? Let me know by leaving a comment below.


Image Source: www.bnicanadablog.ca

Stan Edom
Stan Edom
I'm an entrepreneur with expertise in supply chain management, international trade, small business development, e-commerce, internet startups, renewable energy, and agriculture. I'm also a network engineer, I.T security expert, and computer programmer. In my spare time when I'm not working out at the gym, I try to solve problems people face in their everyday lives with whatever means necessary.

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  1. Hi Stan
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