Every small business or organisation strives to always deliver a top service experience to their customers, prospects, and even investors. In an attempt to achieve this, they sometimes go the extra mile which ultimately is to ensure the customers never stops thinking and talking about their brand.
While some businesses never feel they’ve done enough to make the customer truly happy, and so, keep increasing their incentives, others feel they’ve either tried their best or that the customer doesn’t deserve more than what they have already been offered.
If you’re trying to quantify how well your business performance or products have been doing, the best way to get the most genuine answers is to ask two sects of people. These two have no dependencies on your business and would more easily tell the truth to your face. They’ll make most of the facts known to you, which would serve as a good foundation for you to improve on.
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Here they are:
1). The Customer:
The customer is the lifeblood of your business. Without them, your business wouldn’t exist for too long. You must always record sales, grow your revenues, turn a profit, and almost always meet your growth projections. All these can only be achieved through customer acquisition.
But how do you know if the customers you’re acquiring are happy with your services, products, or brand in general?
Customer satisfaction is a tough job, and so the best way to always find out what the customer thinks is to ask! Angry customers are never shy to vent. They’re always ready to spill what’s on their mind and let you know how your products have been total shit or amazing. They will let you know if they may ever buy from you again or not, and their feedbacks are always valuable to the continued growth and survival of your business.
If you need to find out how your company’s performance, products, services, and more are performing, the most important people to ask these questions are your customers!
Carry out a customer satisfaction survey; whether through phone calls, emails, or some other means, to get valuable feedback on how your customers feel towards your brand.
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2). Former Employees:
Former employees always have a lot to say about their previous place of work. Whether they resigned on the wrong foot or without any issues, they would talk about their former employment to their friends and colleagues in their new work-place. This ultimately makes them another great source of feedback on your company’s performance, especially when measuring your business-to-employee relationship.
It’s largely said that the most important people to treat right are your employees, because they’ll in turn go on to treat your customers better. These people are mostly the sect interfacing with your customers. They hear their complaints directly, and most of the time can’t relate them to you the boss, because of an attitude problem or so you may have, which could eventually cost them their jobs.
If you need to get important information from a different angle on how your business products and services are performing, speak with a current employee that trusts you completely, and have them ask their former co-workers that worked directly with the customers. Since they believe they’re talking with a former colleague and not their ex-boss, they’d feel more inclined to pour out their anger and disappointment on the company’s part to not just make their compensations worthwhile, but also on neglecting several important customer related issues.
The answers you get would ultimately help you build a better approach in ensuring your employees then ultimately your customers, stay happy every single time.
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What are your thoughts on these two most important people to give you feedback on your company’s products and services? Let me know by leaving a comment below.
Image Source: Engagor
I’m willing to start up my own small business … Seeking for business ideas to start up in what kind of business it is.
Appreciate any feedback from expert.
Hi Prishanthi,
Picking the right business idea depends on the opportunities in your environment, or problems you are setting out to solve.
Not every business idea is meant for everyone.
I’d advice you become more observant in your city, make a good research on what people are willing to pay well for recurrently, and which you’d be most comfortable engaging in.
Then you can try out your best bet, and if it doesn’t turn out good for you, you can try out another.
Thank you for asking.
I wish to go in fish farming business pls can you help me to achieve it and how to contact you
Hi Bello,
You can reach me via email at [email protected]
Have a great time!