A global or local pandemic is never a great experience as it puts the lives of billions at risk, limits the movement of people, and takes away the livelihood of a great percentage of the people affected by it. But while a large part of the limitations is to protect the populace and ensure their lives are preserved, there are still essential services that need to be in operation to ensure that the society can to some great extent keep moving forward.
These essential services are businesses that continue to thrive, but not in a way that enriches them, but in a manner that ensures they can provide the essential needs of the society, while still able to make a little profit and grow at the same time.
If you’re looking for what business idea to start in a pandemic, here are 17+ business ideas that thrive in a pandemic:
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1). Sale Of Hand Sanitizers & Facemasks:
During every pandemic, hand sanitizers and facemasks are in great demand to protect people from viral infections, and as such, manufacturing and/or retailing hand sanitizers & facemasks to the populace during this time can guarantee the sell-out of the merchandise every time they’re put on the shelves.
2). Sale Of Temperature Devices:
when there’s a pandemic, public locations need a way of filtering who can and cannot come into the setting, without the risk of infecting many more people with the virus. As such, temperature devices sell out in very large volumes during this times, because a lot of public environments procure them for their security to use to test the temperatures of people at the entrances of their locations.
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3). Medical Laboratories:
During pandemics, people need a place to test themselves for traces of the virus that may or may not have infected them. As such, medical laboratories thrive during this period because they’d have a large influx of people trooping in, especially if their testing centres have the capacity to test for the specific ailments going viral.
4). Hospitals:
During a pandemic, millions of people flock hospitals to receive special care, treatments, tests, and much more.
If you own a hospital during these times, you would have a large influx of patients.
See also: 10 Lucrative E-Commerce Business Ideas & Opportunities In Nigeria
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5). Home Delivery Services:
People are scared to move around during a pandemic, and so, prefer to order items online or remotely. You could start a home delivery service for your online store and deliver essential goods that millions of people need to their homes since they don’t want to come out to get them.
6). Grocery Stores:
Groceries are essential to every individual and homes, and as such, the stores are not shut down during periods of pandemics. You could start up a grocery store during this period, stock the sotck with as much essential goods as possible and supply to people in need who visit the store or want the items delivered to their homes.
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7). Blogging:
Blogging is one venture that could be run from home pandemic or no pandemic. And in times of pandemic, if you have expertise in a topic that could help people in whatever they’re doing during this period, it be be a great time to start a blog as most people would be at home with much more time to read and learn new things.
8). Virtual Office Services:
Most companies have too much to handle, and for those who have no experience from working remotely, virtual office services greatly come in handy.
You could offer these services to organisations and depending on what pressing needs they need to be taken care of, you could be in business in a short time with your plethora of remote workers.
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9). SaaS Services:
SaaS services are online software services where people pay a monthly subscription to use a certain feature or the whole package. Examples are remote working platforms Like Slack & Microsft Teams. These platforms enable workers in companies to effectively collaborate remotely, and in the process, not only grow their remote working potential, but also accelerate the growth of these platforms.
Other SaaS services are accounting tools, CRMs, and much more productivity tools.
10). Professional Writing:
During periods of pandemics, people quarantining themselves doesn’t generall mean they’d have enough time to write their most important projects, as most wouldn’t still be able to do that if all the time in the world was given to them. As a result, starting a professional writing service for things like business plans, feasibility reports, academic projects, office projects, and much more could be a great way to start up a new business since you’d also be working remotely and would not be required to meet in person.
See Also: How To Write A Business Plan: The Complete Guide
11). Logistics Companies:
People delivering goods and services to various individual holed up in their homes during a pandemic require the services of logistics companies with a fleet of motorcycles, vans, and trucks to help them deliver the goods.
You could start up a logistic company during this period and offer your services to businesses operating close to your collection points so you can always easily pick up items from them and deliver on their behalf to clients.
12). Pharmacy:
Pharmacy stores experience a large influx of clients during a pandemic because a lot of people come in to procure various types of drugs for various ailments they might be experiencing.
If you own a pharmacy store during these times, you’d have a very active business.
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13). News Media:
The news media gains so much more attention during pandemics because people are always glued up to their phones trying to read about the progress or regress of the pandemic that’s caused panic everywhere.
Since panics and amplified fears drive up the number of news readers, news media outlets thrive during these periods.
14). Trash Collection:
People would always pile up a lot of trash, and since they won’t be able to throw them out the right way during a pandemic, they’d require the services of a trash collection company to come to their homes to pick up the trash on their behalf.
During times are global or local pandemics, trash collection grows.
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15). Food Delivery:
Food is an essential commodity to survival for al humans, and as a result, people usually purchase and stock up on a lot of food items during a pandemic.
But while many stock up on food, many more do not have the ability to cook and many others run out of food eventually.
In this situation, you could start a food preparation and delivery service so you could deliver food to homes located all across your local government, state, or country.
16). Essential Life Hardware Stores:
We always require essential survival items to keep our lives safe and going. As a result, these types of stores keep running. though their sales may not be as high as most other businesses that would thrive during this period, they would definitely go up.
Some of the essential life-survival goods purchased during this period are
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17). Security Services:
During times of pandemics, governments amp up the security in the nation to ensure that people obey the rules and regulations put in place. But when the government security services have exceeded their capacity, they outsource to private security firms, thereby facilitating the growth of their operations and income.
18). Utility Services:
Utility services like internet subscriptions, electricity providers, telecommunications, and much more thrive during pandemics because people want to know what is happening around, and as such, would make more phone calls, consume more internet data, and would need electricity for all these.
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19). Online Education:
Most people go to physical classes, but during times of a pandemic, they switch to remote education and as a result, companies that offer online education whether for an online course, online Msc, online Webinar, or even private online tutoring session thrive during times of pandemics.
To Sum It Up
Pandemics are never a good occurrence as thousands of people lose their lives. But by setting up an essential services company, you can be a part of the solution and help keep the lives of the population running even while they remain in isolation.
If you’re looking for business ideas that can thrive during a pandemic, the 17+ above are a great place to start.
Hi Stan!
I’m Roland from Sweden. I love your posts. But this one, in particular, is a killer. Thanks for the eye-opener.
I’m glad you loved the article.
Thank you for reading, Roland.
you missed out the biggest one
Memorial/ funeral/ crematorium services
We are all experiencing the problems due to the pandemic Covid 19, not just the individuals but the business world as a whole. Only a few industries can survive the consequences as you have mentioned above, most of the businesses are about to face the financial crisis once the Coronavirus fears are getting solved. I’m working in one of the housekeeping service companies in Dubai, though this field seems not vulnerable to the current situation, but the fact is that we are too having issues.
Anna Mike
In today’s date some business which is very important will be the cleaning business, if anyone cleans the whole thing properly then this time it will be good for them. So the cleaning business is the best business at this time.
I love your way of writing
Keep it up.
Its just well detailed.
Do you accept guest post.
I can also write SEO optimised articles in exchange for a dofollow backlinks.
Thanks in wait
Thank you for the kind words, Temikola.
We do accept guest posts.
Please send an email to [email protected].
Thank you.
How can I start the utility services business setting up my own platform?
Hi Kennedy,
Please send an email to [email protected] and we’ll see how to advise you better.
As we all can see how rapidly businesses are shifting towards the online market due to lockdown and social distancing, Web designing and social media marketing are one of those services that thrive during the pandemic in all over the world.
Well Detailed and Easy To Comprehend for Both Schooled and Unschooled.I Love it wholeheartedly.Keep it up sir.
Thank you for reading, Oluseye.
I like the way you write . It’s just very detailed. You accept the position of the guest. I can also write SEO optimized articles in exchange for dofollow backlinks. Thanks for waiting
Now this time around in the pandemic situation the demand for medical equipment and supplies has increased day by the as the covid-19 or omicron cases increase day by day.
Yes indeed. All the business has been shifted toward online platforms due to the covid-19 pandemic disaster and everyone is comfortable purchasing online. As I am also the new starter of the online medical equipment business and I have suffered my business a lot in a pandemic that is why I shifted my business to online.
Indeed to be sure. All the business has been moved toward online stages due to the Coronavirus pandemic catastrophe and everybody is happy with buying on the web. As I am additionally the new starter of the web-based clinical gear business and I have experienced my business a great deal in a pandemic to that end I moved my business to on the web.