100+ Hot-Selling Products You Can Export From Nigeria And Get Paid In Dollars

100+ Hot-Selling Products You Can Export From Nigeria And Get Paid In Dollars
100+ Hot-Selling Products You Can Export From Nigeria And Get Paid In Dollars

The import and export business in Nigeria is one of the most lucrative businesses to venture into, depending on which sector you choose to focus on. While large-scale importation can have a negative impact on the country’s economy, large-scale exportation doesn’t just have a positive impact, but can turn any entrepreneur into a millionaire and possibly a billionaire.

Thousands of people intend to venture into the exportation of goods and services from Nigeria to many parts of the world. A strong advantage of this is it doesn’t just serve as a means of generating large revenues for their businesses, but is also a great way to get paid in foreign currency.

If you’re looking for profitable products and services to export from Nigeria to not just earn a lot of money, but to also get paid in dollars, here are 100+ profitable items, grouped by sectors, that you can export from Nigeria and make dollars:

See Also: 10+ Legal Requirements For An Import And Export Business in Nigeria


Hot-Selling Oil and Gas Products To Export From Nigeria

While crude and LNG can be exported on brokerage terms, petrochemicals can be manufactured in Nigeria and exported to neighboring countries around the world.

See Also: 35+ Lucrative Oil & Gas Business Ideas And Opportunities in Nigeria And Africa


Hot-Selling Non-Oil and Gas Products To Export From Nigeria

Solid Minerals

  • Gold
  • Coal
  • Iron Ore
  • Columbite Wolframite and Tantalite
  • Bitumen
  • Limestone
  • Lead/Zinc
  • Granite
  • Kaolin
  • Gemstone
  • Glass Sand
  • Charcoal

These are minerals present in Nigeria, with some in far little quantity and others in far greater quantity.

See Also: 25+ Lucrative Mining Business Ideas And Opportunities in Nigeria


Food Products

See Also: 5 Profitable Agricultural Businesses You Can Start In Nigeria Today


Processed Products

  • Rubber
  • Cosmetics
  • Soap
  • Textiles and Garments
  • Shoes
  • Leather
  • Shea Butter
  • Hides and Skin
  • Jewelry. e.g beads
  • Brooms
  • Books
  • Glass
  • Plastics
  • Gum Arabic
  • Gallstone
  • Automobiles
  • Ball Pens
  • Chemicals
  • Insecticides
  • Furniture
  • Foam Products
  • Powder
  • Tyres And Tubes
  • Ink
  • Bottles
  • Bolts and Nuts

See Also: 10 Hot Supply Chain Business Opportunities In Nigeria


To Sum It Up

While these may just be highlights, they are items that are demanded by producers and consumers in so many countries around the world. They are sorted in thousands of tons, some in millions, and are lucrative for any individual who successfully lands a long-term—usually five-years—supply contract to export some of these products from Nigeria to their shores.

By leveraging the global access that the internet has given every one to enable them to connect with manufacturers all over the world, you can start a supply chain business with these 100+ highly demanded products that you can export from Nigeria and get paid in Dollars.

See Also: How To Find International Buyers For Your Import/Export Business


What are your thoughts on these 100+ hot-selling products you can export from Nigeria and get paid in Dollars? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, inquiries, or need help or consulting regarding the import/export business, commodity trading, or any aspect of international trade as a whole, you may contact us by sending an email directly to [email protected] or Calling/WhatsApping 2348080888162.

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Startup Tips Daily Media

Lagos, Nigeria

Phone: 234 808 0888 162

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Stan Edom
Stan Edom
I'm an entrepreneur with expertise in supply chain management, international trade, small business development, e-commerce, internet startups, renewable energy, and agriculture. I'm also a network engineer, I.T security expert, and computer programmer. In my spare time when I'm not working out at the gym, I try to solve problems people face in their everyday lives with whatever means necessary.

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  1. All these are good and great sir but the main problem here is not what sir my main problem is ‘HOW’ so is there anyway yopu can help us out?

    • Hi Solomon,

      A free ebook on exportation will be on the blog later this month.

      Do look out for it.

      Thank you.

  2. Mr. Edom, i like the idea but how do someone get started i mean how can i locate the company that are in need of this products such as crayfish, poultry products. thanks

    • Hi Okpo,

      You can start by identifying each country’s trade organization and associations, then reviewing the list of companies that are registered with them.

      I’ll write a comprehensive article about this question soon, so that everyone can easily learn from it.

      Thank you for asking.

  3. Do you have a phone number one can reach you with. I would like to have it. Thank you

    • Hi Ezeokeke,

      You can reach me on the phone number listed on the contact us page.

      Thank you for asking.

  4. This is a great writeup. Like every other commenters has mentioned, I will request that you help us with directionals on how to locate or contact the companies that we could export this items to. Thanks.

    • Hi Obinna,

      An article on this will be on the blog soon.

      Do look out for it.

      Thank you for asking.

    • I’ll publish an article on how to source international buyers soon.

      Do look out for it.

      Thank you.

  5. I know i have never made a mistake to come across the blog.thank u very much sir for your assistance

  6. Dear Stan Edom,
    I genuinely appreciate your efforts in gathering the information about the “100+ Hot Selling Products” that one can export from Nigeria to other countries like UK,USA,CANADA, etc., and get paid in Dollars.
    Honestly, I find the tips very useful so as to determine kind of products to export to the overseas and get paid in dollars.
    I prefer to export food products, in average quantity.
    I therefore request, for more tips on how to start the export business, capital and legal requirements, how to source for buyer, risk and benefit involved.
    Thank you.

    • Hi Taoheed,

      Over time, we’ll write more articles covering your concerns.

      Do follow the blog for updates.

      Thank you for asking.

  7. Sir, I see tires & tubes in that list, please I want to know if it is used ones we are talking about here.

    • Hi Jerome,

      Whether used or brand new, if you have an export capacity to a country that allows its importation, you can export them.

      Thank you for asking.

  8. Thanks mr stam edom pls wen the article on how to get company’s to suppiy those goods pls do let me knw

  9. Thanks so much for the write up, God will bless you abundantly for helping us. Most of my questions has been asked and answered, am waiting now on how to start

    • I’m glad you found the article valuable.

      We’ll post an article on how to start an import/export business soon.

      Do look out for it.

      Thank you for asking.

  10. I must appreciate u sir for exhausively highlighting products that are required for exportation in foreign countries,i have been looking out for such an informations on along now I got it. May God bless u real well sir.

  11. Good day sir,
    Firstly, I want thank you for sharing this life changing information us.once again, thanks.
    Please what will it cost to start exporting any of the listed items. Please can you state the range (least to the highest). Thanks.

  12. how can i know who are in need of these products such as;food items and charcoal……segun otedola by name

  13. The information you brought to our notice is very good and might be profitable as well. Many things poss as an obstacle, to mention few, most of this business are capital intensive, the protocols”government agencies and some documents before exportation can be free and fair, men it somehow cumbersome to achieve. In a nutshell, only well to do can venture in to it without much stress. If they can make it simple for the less privilege and average earners to partake,
    As for me no matter how i will surely do export in as much i will be prperly guided

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