If You Can’t Answer This Question In 5 Seconds, You’re Already In Trouble

If You Can’t Answer This Question in 5 Seconds, You’re Already In Trouble
If You Can’t Answer This Question in 5 Seconds, You’re Already In Trouble

There are many questions that require an in-depth thought before an answer should be given. Saying something too soon or too late can make you seem ignorant and increase the chances of you saying something that could be perceived as wrong.

But what if there was a question that if you couldn’t answer it in less than 5 seconds, you’re indeed in big trouble?

This question exists and has become part of the yardstick in measuring every individual’s social status and life achievements. Its answer is very critical to people’s perception of you and determines how they go on to either respect or disrespect your personality.

The question is: “What do you do for a living”.

More people today than ever can’t give a direct answer to that. The people who largely fall into this segment of individuals are entrepreneurs.

When asked the question, a lot start to say too many different things with no direct focus on one, but if asked how the different businesses are going, they tend to say things like “we’re still building up”.

If you run too many things as you say and are still building up years down the line, then you’re really doing nothing and have no successful business.

It would pay you better to focus on what you have the most chances for success in and give it your all till it becomes a company that can stand on its own even if you shift your focus to other things.

Another set of people who can’t answer the question of what they do for a living are those that have no direction yet. They’re looking for the opportunity that may come their way, the job they may land, or the funding they require to get their ideas off the ground, but make no real efforts at anything.

If you’re in this segment, then you have more problems on your hands than the other set.

See Also: 4 Things You Must Do To Get Your Business Set For Success In 2018


My Piece Of Advice

Time waits for no one and opportunity only comes to those who try more times than often to build one focused business into something of value. When you give your all to something, you discover complimentary services around it that could go on to either become sub-companies or may become your break-even startup that changes everything for you.

If you realise you’re in the sect of people who can’t answer what they do for a living in less than 5 seconds, then you need to reassess what you want for yourself, reposition yourself with people who appear to be making progress in they do, and strive for success in whatever it is you set out to achieve.


What are your thought on this one question most people can’t answer in less than 5 seconds? Let me know by leaving a comment below.


Stan Edom
Stan Edom
I'm an entrepreneur with expertise in supply chain management, international trade, small business development, e-commerce, internet startups, renewable energy, and agriculture. I'm also a network engineer, I.T security expert, and computer programmer. In my spare time when I'm not working out at the gym, I try to solve problems people face in their everyday lives with whatever means necessary.

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  1. Hi sir ,
    Just a question, is it wrong to building up business with many things but in the same line of business e.g. money lending vs mobile money transfer.

    • Hi Clayford,

      A business can have many services.

      But it’s always best to focus on the one with the most prospect and get it right before you start adding multiple other services.

      Thank you for asking.

  2. I’m an artisan with experience in one or two fields and it’s my plan for 2018 to channel both by setting up a vocational school but don’t know how to put my acts together.

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