How To Start A Lucrative Pig Farming Business In Nigeria And Africa: The Complete Guide

Pig farming is a profitable agricultural business in Nigeria and Africa, with high demand for pork meat in local and international markets. Nigeria, the largest country in Africa, has a population of over 200 million, with a high demand for pork meat. According to the Nigerian Institute for Social and Economic Research, pork meat consumption has increased significantly in Nigeria, with over 280,000 metric tons of pork produced in 2018 alone.

Globally, pork is the most widely consumed meat, accounting for over 36% of meat consumption worldwide. The high demand for pork meat in international markets presents a significant export opportunity for pig farmers in Nigeria and Africa.

Pig farming has enormous potential for small and large-scale farmers in Nigeria and Africa, as pigs are highly prolific, with a short gestation period and fast growth rate. Pig farming is also relatively easy to set up, requires less land and capital compared to other livestock farming, and provides a consistent source of income for farmers.

With the right management and disease control measures in place, pig farming in Nigeria and Africa can be highly profitable. Furthermore, the pig industry in Nigeria and Africa has significant potential for growth, job creation, and poverty reduction in rural areas.

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What Is A Pig?

Pigs are domesticated mammals that belong to the family Suidae. They are typically raised for their meat and other products such as skin and fat. The scientific name for the domestic pig is Sus scrofa domesticus.


What Is Pig Farming In Nigeria and Africa About?

Pig farming is the rearing of pigs for meat (pork), skin, and other by-products such as bones, blood, and fat. It is an agricultural practice that involves the breeding, raising, and management of domestic pigs as a source of food and income.

In Nigeria and Africa, pig farming is gaining popularity as an alternative source of animal protein, as well as a source of employment and income generation. Pigs are highly adaptable and can thrive in different environments, making them suitable for small, medium, and large scale farming.

Pig farming has the potential to contribute to food security and poverty reduction in Nigeria and Africa, as it provides a source of protein for human consumption and creates job opportunities along the value chain.

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Benefits of Pig Farming In Nigeria and Africa

hHere are 10 benefits of pig farming in Nigeria and Africa:

  1. High returns on investment: Pig farming is a profitable venture that can yield high returns on investment.
  2. Pork meat is a popular protein source: Pork is a popular source of protein in Nigeria and Africa, and pig farming can help meet the demand for this meat.
  3. Multiple income streams: Pig farming can provide multiple income streams through the sale of live pigs, pork meat, and other by-products like skin, bones, and organs.
  4. Short gestation period: Pigs have a short gestation period of around 3 months, which means farmers can breed and raise multiple litters in a year.
  5. High reproductive rate: Pigs have a high reproductive rate, with each sow able to produce up to 8-12 piglets per litter.
  6. Efficient feed conversion: Pigs have a high feed conversion rate, meaning they can convert feed into meat at a faster rate than other livestock.
  7. Easy to manage: Pigs are relatively easy to manage and can thrive in a variety of conditions.
  8. Durable and resilient: Pigs are durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions and diseases.
  9. Opportunity for value addition: Pig farming provides an opportunity for value addition through the production of processed pork products like bacon, sausages, and ham.
  10. Employment opportunities: Pig farming can provide employment opportunities for people in rural areas, and contribute to poverty reduction and food security.

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Health Benefits of Pork

Pork is one of the most consumed meat products in the world. It comes from pig farming, which is a common agricultural practice in Nigeria and Africa. Below are 15 health benefits of pork to the body:

  1. Rich in protein: Pork is an excellent source of protein, which is essential for building and repairing muscles, tissues, and organs in the body.
  2. Boosts energy levels: Pork contains high levels of thiamine, a B-vitamin that helps the body convert food into energy.
  3. Promotes muscle growth: Pork is rich in leucine, an amino acid that plays a critical role in stimulating muscle growth.
  4. Helps regulate digestion: Pork is a good source of dietary fiber, which helps regulate digestion and prevents constipation.
  5. Supports bone health: Pork is a rich source of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, which are essential for strong and healthy bones.
  6. Boosts the immune system: Pork contains high levels of zinc, a mineral that helps boost the immune system and promotes wound healing.
  7. Reduces inflammation: Pork is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body.
  8. Promotes healthy skin: Pork contains vitamin E, which is essential for maintaining healthy skin and protecting it from damage caused by free radicals.
  9. Regulates blood sugar levels: Pork is a good source of chromium, a mineral that helps regulate blood sugar levels and may help reduce the risk of diabetes.
  10. Boosts brain function: Pork contains choline, a nutrient that plays a critical role in brain development and function.
  11. Helps reduce stress: Pork contains high levels of vitamin B6, which helps the body produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood and reduce stress.
  12. Promotes healthy vision: Pork is a good source of vitamin A, which is essential for healthy vision and immune function.
  13. Supports heart health: Pork contains a variety of nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B1, which are all essential for maintaining a healthy heart.
  14. Provides iron: Pork is a rich source of iron, which is essential for healthy blood and helps prevent anemia.
  15. Promotes healthy growth: Pork is a good source of vitamin B12, which is essential for healthy growth and development in children.

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Business Opportunities In Pig Farming In Nigeria and Africa

Here are 10 business opportunities in pig farming in Nigeria and Africa:

  1. Pig breeding: You can specialize in breeding pigs for sale to other farmers or for your own pig farming operations.
  2. Pig feed production: This involves the production and sale of pig feed, which is a crucial aspect of pig farming.
  3. Pig farming consultancy: You can offer expert advice and guidance to pig farmers on how to set up, operate, and grow their pig farms.
  4. Pig housing construction: This entails the design and construction of pig housing structures such as pens, sheds, and barns.
  5. Pig health products: You can produce and sell veterinary products such as vaccines, medications, and supplements specifically tailored to pig health.
  6. Pig processing and packaging: This involves the processing of pig meat and other by-products such as pig skin and fat, into packaged products such as sausages, ham, and bacon.
  7. Pig breeding equipment: You can manufacture and sell breeding equipment such as artificial insemination kits, mating crates, and farrowing pens.
  8. Pig waste management: You can specialize in the management of pig waste, including waste collection, processing, and disposal.
  9. Pig transportation: You can offer pig transportation services to pig farmers and pig processing companies.
  10. Pig marketing and distribution: You can establish a distribution network for pig products, including fresh meat and processed pork products, across different regions and markets in Nigeria and Africa.

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Facts About Pig Farming In Nigeria and Africa

  1. Pig farming is a lucrative agricultural venture in Nigeria and Africa due to the high demand for pork and related products.
  2. Pigs are a good source of meat and other products such as skin and bone meal used in animal feed production.
  3. Pig farming can provide employment opportunities for both skilled and unskilled labor.
  4. Pig farming can be done in small or large scale depending on the available resources and capital.
  5. Pigs are hardy animals that are relatively easy to maintain, as they can feed on a variety of feed sources including kitchen waste.
  6. Pigs can be bred all year round, allowing for continuous supply of piglets.
  7. Pig farming has a high rate of return on investment, making it a good option for entrepreneurs and investors.
  8. Pigs can be raised in different systems including free-range, intensive and semi-intensive systems.
  9. Pigs have a high feed conversion ratio, meaning they can convert feed into meat quickly and efficiently.
  10. Pig farming can help in reducing the importation of pork products into the country, leading to the growth of the local economy.
  11. African swine fever is a major concern in pig farming, as it can lead to significant economic losses and even the culling of affected animals.
  12. Pigs are susceptible to various diseases, including respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases.
  13. Pigs require a clean and well-ventilated environment to prevent the spread of diseases and parasites.
  14. Pig farming can generate income from the sale of live animals, pork, pork products, and manure.
  15. Proper waste management is essential in pig farming to prevent environmental pollution and the spread of diseases.
  16. Pig farming can contribute to the reduction of food waste, as pigs can feed on leftover food and kitchen waste.
  17. Pig farming can be integrated with crop production for a more sustainable and efficient system.
  18. Pigs can be used for research purposes and the production of vaccines and other medical products.
  19. The use of technology in pig farming, such as sensors and automated feeding systems, can increase efficiency and productivity.
  20. Pig farming is a sector with high potential for export opportunities, as there is demand for pork products in other countries.

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Types Of Pig Farming Businesses In Nigeria and Africa

There are several types of pig farming businesses in Nigeria and Africa, including:

  1. Small-scale pig farming: This involves keeping a few pigs on a small plot of land or in the backyard, usually for household consumption or local sales.
  2. Medium-scale pig farming: This involves raising pigs in larger numbers for local or regional markets.
  3. Large-scale pig farming: This involves commercial production of pigs on a large scale for national and international markets.
  4. Breeding and genetics: This involves breeding and selling pig breeds for genetic improvement and crossbreeding.
  5. Feed production: This involves the production and sale of pig feed, either as a primary business or as a secondary business to pig farming.
  6. Pig equipment manufacturing and sales: This involves the production and sale of pig housing, feeding equipment, and other related products.
  7. Slaughter and processing: This involves the processing and packaging of pig meat for local and export markets.
  8. Pig manure production: This involves the production and sale of pig manure as fertilizer for crop production.
  9. Consulting services: This involves providing consulting services to pig farmers on best practices for pig farming and business management.
  10. Research and development: This involves conducting research and development on pig farming and related technologies.

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Types Of Pigs Used For Pig Farming In Nigeria and Africa

There are different breeds of pigs that can be used for pig farming in Nigeria and Africa. Here are some of the most common ones:

  1. Large White: Also known as the Yorkshire, it is one of the most common pig breeds in the world and is known for its lean meat.
  2. Landrace: This breed is known for its mothering ability and is often used in crossbreeding to produce piglets with desirable traits.
  3. Duroc: Known for its fast growth rate, the Duroc breed is often used for pork production.
  4. Hampshire: This breed is known for its meat quality and is often used in crossbreeding.
  5. Pietrain: Originating from Belgium, the Pietrain breed is known for its muscle growth and is often used for lean meat production.
  6. American Yorkshire: This breed is known for its good mothering ability and is often used in commercial pig farming.
  7. Meishan: Originally from China, this breed is known for its high litter size and is often used in crossbreeding.
  8. Wessex Saddleback: This breed is known for its hardiness and is often used for outdoor pig farming.

These pig breeds have different characteristics and are suited for different purposes in pig farming.

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The Rearing & Breeding Seasons For Pigs In Nigeria and Africa

Pigs are highly reproductive animals and are capable of producing large litters of piglets, which makes them an attractive option for small and large-scale farmers alike. The breeding season for pigs in Nigeria and Africa typically starts in November and runs through to January or February, while the rearing season can vary depending on the specific production system and management practices used.

However, most farmers aim to raise their pigs to market weight, which is typically between six and eight months of age. During this time, the pigs are fed a balanced diet of high-quality feed, water, and supplements, and are monitored closely for signs of disease or other health issues. The timing of breeding, feeding, and other management practices can greatly impact the success of pig farming operations in Nigeria and Africa.


How To Start Pig Farming In Nigeria: Step-By-Step Guide

Starting a pig farming business in Nigeria and Africa requires proper planning and adequate resources. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Conduct market research: Study the market and demand for pork in your area, analyze the competition and identify potential customers.
  2. Develop a business plan: Create a comprehensive business plan outlining your goals, strategies, budget, marketing plan, and risk management plan.
  3. Secure a suitable location: Look for a spacious location with adequate drainage, access to clean water and electricity, and easy access for transporting pigs and feed.
  4. Build housing and facilities: Construct pig pens or buy pre-fabricated pens, set up feeding and watering systems, and provide for waste management.
  5. Acquire breeding stock: Purchase healthy piglets or breeding stock from reputable suppliers.
  6. Feed and care for the pigs: Provide clean water and a well-balanced diet to ensure healthy growth, and vaccinate against diseases.
  7. Manage pig reproduction: Ensure good breeding practices to maintain a consistent supply of piglets.
  8. Track performance and expenses: Keep detailed records of pig performance, expenses, and income to monitor the profitability of your business.
  9. Establish a marketing plan: Identify potential buyers and distributors for your pork products, create a marketing strategy, and establish a distribution network.
  10. Obtain necessary licenses and permits: Register your business with relevant government agencies, obtain necessary licenses and permits, and comply with regulations.

By following these steps, you can start a successful pig farming business in Nigeria and Africa.

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How To Process & Package Pork In Nigeria or Africa

Processing and packaging pork in Nigeria and Africa involves several steps and equipment. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Slaughtering the pigs: The first step in processing pork is slaughtering the pig. This is done in a humane and safe manner using a slaughtering knife. The pig is then drained of its blood.
  2. Skinning and gutting the pig: The pig is then skinned and gutted. The skin is removed by carefully making cuts and peeling it off, while the internal organs are removed by cutting around them.
  3. Cleaning and washing: The pig carcass is then cleaned thoroughly with water to remove any remaining blood, dirt, or debris.
  4. Cutting and deboning: The pig carcass is then cut into smaller portions and the bones are removed. This can be done manually or with the help of a meat saw.
  5. Grinding: The pork is then ground using a meat grinder. This is done to create different textures for different pork products, such as sausages and ground pork.
  6. Mixing and seasoning: Once the pork is ground, it can be mixed with other ingredients and seasonings to create a variety of products, such as sausages, bacon, and ham.
  7. Packaging: The processed pork is then packaged in airtight containers to prevent spoilage and contamination. The packaging can be done manually or with the help of a packaging machine.
  8. Storage: The packaged pork is then stored in a cool, dry place, such as a refrigerator or freezer, until it is ready to be sold.

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Types Of Equipment & Tools Used In The Pig Farming Business In Nigeria or Africa

Processing and packaging of pork involves various equipment that aid in slaughtering, processing, and packaging the meat. Some of the equipment used in the process include:

  1. Slaughtering equipment: This includes knives, stunning equipment, and restraining equipment that are used to kill the pig and prepare it for further processing.
  2. Scalding and dehairing equipment: After slaughtering, the pig’s skin needs to be removed, and this is done using scalding and dehairing equipment. The pig is soaked in hot water to loosen the hair, and then the hair is removed using a dehairing machine.
  3. Evisceration equipment: The pig’s internal organs are removed using specialized equipment, including eviscerating tables and knives.
  4. Processing equipment: This includes grinders, mixers, and sausage stuffers used in the production of different pork products like sausages and ground pork.
  5. Packaging equipment: Once the pork has been processed, it needs to be packaged, and this requires packaging equipment like vacuum sealers and packaging machines.
  6. Cold storage equipment: This includes refrigeration and freezing equipment used to store the pork at the appropriate temperature to maintain its quality and freshness.

It’s important to note that some of the equipment used in pork processing requires specialized training to operate safely and effectively.

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Target Market For The Pig Farming Business In Nigeria or Africa

Pig farming is a lucrative agricultural venture in Nigeria and Africa, with a large and growing market for pork products. Here are some of the target markets for pig farming in Nigeria and Africa:

  1. Consumer market: The consumer market for pork products includes individuals, families, and communities who purchase and consume pork for their own consumption. This market includes both rural and urban areas and can be expanded through effective marketing and distribution strategies.
  2. Wholesale market: The wholesale market for pork products includes restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, and other food-related businesses that purchase pork products in bulk for their own use or for resale. This market requires high-quality and consistent products, as well as reliable supply chains.
  3. Export market: The export market for pork products is growing in Nigeria and Africa, as demand for African pork products increases in international markets. Export markets require high-quality products that meet international standards, as well as reliable supply chains and efficient distribution channels.
  4. Feed market: The feed market for pig farming includes the supply of feed and supplements for pigs, which is essential for the growth and health of the animals. This market includes feed mills, suppliers of feed ingredients, and other agricultural inputs.

Effective targeting and marketing strategies can help pig farmers tap into these target markets and increase their profitability.

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How To Sell or Market Pig Products In Nigeria or Africa

  1. Sell to slaughterhouses: Pig farmers in Nigeria and Africa can sell their pigs to local slaughterhouses, which will then process and package the meat for sale.
  2. Supply to hotels and restaurants: Hotels and restaurants are major consumers of pork products, and pig farmers can partner with them to supply fresh pork.
  3. Sell to supermarkets and grocery stores: Supermarkets and grocery stores are great retail outlets for pork products. Pig farmers can supply them with fresh pork or pork products.
  4. Export: There is a growing demand for African pork products in international markets, and pig farmers can take advantage of this opportunity to export their products.
  5. Sell online: Pig farmers can create an online store to sell their products to customers who prefer to shop online.
  6. Participate in farmers’ markets: Farmers’ markets provide a great opportunity for pig farmers to sell their products directly to consumers.
  7. Partner with local distributors: Pig farmers can partner with local distributors to help distribute their products to various markets and retail outlets.
  8. Advertise through social media: Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are great tools for advertising and reaching a wider audience.
  9. Attend trade shows and exhibitions: Trade shows and exhibitions provide a great opportunity for pig farmers to showcase their products and network with potential customers.
  10. Offer home delivery: Pig farmers can offer home delivery services to customers who prefer the convenience of having their products delivered directly to their doorsteps.

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Challenges Of Pig Farming In Nigeria and Africa

Here are 15 challenges of pig farming in Nigeria and Africa:

  1. Disease outbreaks: Pigs are susceptible to various diseases that can quickly spread and wipe out an entire herd.
  2. High capital requirements: Starting a pig farm requires significant upfront investment in housing, feed, and equipment.
  3. Difficulty accessing finance: Many farmers struggle to secure loans to finance their pig farming ventures.
  4. Poor infrastructure: Lack of good roads and storage facilities make it difficult to transport pigs and store their products.
  5. Inadequate veterinary services: Access to veterinary services in many areas is poor, making it difficult to manage and treat pig diseases.
  6. High cost of feeds: The cost of pig feed can be high, and fluctuations in price can impact profitability.
  7. Lack of quality breeding stock: Access to good quality breeding stock is a challenge for many pig farmers.
  8. Limited access to markets: Many pig farmers struggle to find markets for their products, leading to low prices and poor profits.
  9. Competition from imported products: Imported pork products can be cheaper, making it difficult for local farmers to compete.
  10. Lack of training and technical knowledge: Many pig farmers lack the necessary training and technical knowledge to effectively manage their farms.
  11. Environmental challenges: Pigs produce a lot of waste, which can create environmental challenges if not properly managed.
  12. Theft and security concerns: Pigs can be stolen, and farmers may face security challenges protecting their farms.
  13. Cultural and religious beliefs: In some areas, cultural and religious beliefs make it difficult for farmers to sell and consume pork.
  14. Poor policy framework: Policies around pig farming can be inadequate, leading to a lack of support for farmers and a difficult business environment.
  15. Lack of cooperation and coordination among farmers: Many pig farmers lack coordination and cooperation, which can make it difficult to advocate for their interests and access markets.

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To Sum It Up

In conclusion, pig farming is a profitable agricultural business in Nigeria and Africa with great potential for growth and development. There is a high demand for pork in local and international markets, making pig farming a lucrative venture. Pig farming also provides various opportunities for both small-scale and large-scale businesses. Despite the challenges faced by pig farmers in Nigeria and Africa, such as disease outbreaks and inadequate infrastructure, the industry remains a viable investment with significant returns on investment.

With the right knowledge, skills, and resources, anyone can start and run a successful pig farming business in Nigeria and Africa. It is important to conduct thorough research and seek advice from experienced pig farmers to ensure the best practices are adopted for the business. Pig farming has the potential to contribute to food security and economic growth in Nigeria and Africa, while also providing employment opportunities for the population.

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What are your thoughts on how to start Pig farming in Nigeria, Africa, or any other part of the world? Let me know by leaving a comment below.


Stan Edom
Stan Edom
I'm an entrepreneur with expertise in supply chain management, international trade, small business development, e-commerce, internet startups, renewable energy, and agriculture. I'm also a network engineer, I.T security expert, and computer programmer. In my spare time when I'm not working out at the gym, I try to solve problems people face in their everyday lives with whatever means necessary.

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  1. I am inspired by your write up on pig farming. What I want to ask you is that you didn’t complete the pigs leather making market. Is there a market in Nigeria or Africa that usually need pig for leather making or are they jus only in China/ Europe. Before now I believed pig is just for consumption as a pork meat. Please throw light on how one can tap into the leather making process from pig.

    • Hi Martins,

      A pig farming eBook is going to be available on the blog answering all your questions and more.

      Thank you for asking.

  2. Thank you so so much for the very useful information. As a pig farmer,it is refreshing.
    My question is, where can one get institutions of finance that understands pig farming that can give support in terms of loan with one digit interest and reasonable time frame

  3. thank you sir,
    i want to do pig business and i need training abut the business and to know how to build pen house, and if i have a plot of land can i do pig business there? and also, ir base in Ado-ekiti,where is market to sell pig?

    • Hi Adewale,

      A pig farming eBook would soon be available on the website answering all your questions.

      Do lookout for it.

      Thank you for asking.

  4. A wonderful write-up, can I know when the e-book will be available. I’m interested in going into pig farming

    • Hi Promise,

      When the eBook is available, I’ll do well to let everyone know.

      Also overtime, there’d be a shop corner on the website for people to easily browse through and purchase our books.

      Do lookout for it.

      Thank you for asking.

  5. Nice and quite educative. I am a prospective pig farmer, my main challenge now is where to get my stocks. can you help with where and how to get good breed as a kick off stock

    • Hi Joash,

      You can get your pigs from any pig house in Nigeria.

      A google search will show you a list of pig dealers in Nigeria, depending on your location.

      One of the most prominent in Ogun state is Obasanjo’s farm at Ota.

      Thank you for asking.

  6. Your write has very current information.i am considering going into pig farming and I hear there is a pig farm where i can rent the pens for now instead of building. What is your professional advice pls.

    • Thank you for finding the post valuable, Tola.

      Do subscribe to our mailing list to be notified of new posts.

      Thank you for asking.

  7. Thanks so much for the information and guide about pig farming. you have done so well. Am a native of Amandugba Isu LGA imo state pls my question is where can i get a good breed of pig around?

  8. With the article, I realized that one has to belong to pig business or related group/association in order to start with solid & right beginning. As first starter, though I have One & half acres. Can I start small or medium (no. of piglet) and to achieve, I need more guide. Thanks.

  9. I really gained a lot from your write up. God will increase you in wisdom.
    Is there available market for the business, most especially outside the country?
    Is your company into exportation of pig or its meat?

  10. Thanks for your professional advise.Iam interested in pig farming. How would you assist me in getting Pen to rent And how to get best breeds and cost .A vetinery,those that can build with Cost and supervisor that will monitor the project to succeed.I have a plot of land. Thanks in anticipation. Alesinloye M

    • Hi Michael,

      We don’t offer that service.

      Please reach out to other people who engage in this service.

      Thank you for asking.

  11. Thank you I will get to you in due course for a Business plan on pig farming in due time from now. Great job

  12. Great job there .very impressive .I am just about to start a piggery .have been worried though… what breed do you think i should start with and what are the chances of getting foreign breeds in Nigeria.

  13. Thank you so much,you have done me a great favour with this information,but is cassava pile also healthy for pigs feed. God bless u sir.

  14. I have indeed started the pig farming though small, and my challenge was whether there is a market for pigs in Nigeria but your article has shade more light to me. Thanks and big up Victor from southern Kaduna

  15. This was the missing link I needed for my plan, but I must ask I have 2 plots of land and over 500,000 thousand what number of piglet is advised to start with?

  16. Nice & educative write-up.How many segments should a pen be divided into as I undestand it is not good to keep piglets with the hogs or farrowers?

  17. please am interested in pig farming but I don’t know anything about it,I don’t know how to start .this is my number 08106752419
    please I need guide lines on how to start this business. thank you

  18. I just finished reading your write on starting a piggery business. Coincidentally we have a cooperative society in my church which by the grace of God I am the president. We are considering setting up a pig farm this year as part ot a growth plan. Already we have reached a decision to acquire 3 acre of land for the business this jan. 2022.Kindly let me know areas we can benefit from your practicl knowledge of this venture. We are located in Warri delta state
    Our areas of needs are in the following- consultancy,training,start-up, design of pens procurement of piglets or stock. I will appreciate hearing from you. Warm regards.

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