Working full time can be both tiring and rewarding. You handle various tasks at the office, hang out with colleagues, and most of all, grow someone else’s dream with every passing day. While the pay may be good (or not), nothing can be more rewarding than running a profitable business of your own.
What you do every day after work is crucial, both to your self-fulfilment and financial future.
If you plan on ever owning a large business with people working for you and ensuring your success, then your after-work time must be utilised in the smartest way possible.
Starting a business you can handle in the evenings even if you’re working full time, is a bold decision in the right direction by any individual. With hundreds of small business ideas you can explore, picking the right one that matches your passion and is also potentially profitable will determine how soon it can turn into a full-time venture.
See Also: How To Start A Business In Nigeria: Step By Step Guide
If you’re thinking of starting your own business, here are 10 profitable small business ideas you can grow every day after 4 or 5 P.M:
1). Graphics Design:
Every organisation, campaign, person, and several others, need the services of a graphics designer one way or the other. If you’re trying to startup a new business, you need a graphics designer for your logo, complimentary cards, and letter headed papers. If you’re planning a wedding, you need a designer for your wedding card. In almost every activity that’s carried out, a graphics designer is mostly always consulted.
If you have a flare for design and are naturally creative, you can learn how to use Adobe photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, and any other design software. If you can’t learn on your own, attending a design school (usually for three months) will help you learn how to use these tools.
With great design skills, you can always work on freelance jobs every time you’re home after the work day. You can spend the next 3 hours working on your freelance gigs before retiring to bed in preparation for the next workday.
It’s important that you only venture into graphics design if you’re a creative individual. If you’re aware of an inherent lack of creativity in you, find something else to do.
2). Web & Mobile App Development:
Over 80% of Nigerian businesses still don’t have a website. This saturated lack poses a large opportunity for web and mobile developers.
By pitching businesses that have poor web user experiences or no websites at a moderate cost, you can gradually build a portfolio that will serve as a great reference to poach larger companies.
With advanced skills in HTML, CSS, Javascript, and at least one server side programming language (e.g PHP), you can start a web and mobile app design business that operates from 5 P.M.
This is one of the most specialised business ideas you can execute after work. Before you think of becoming a web or mobile app developer, you must first be darn good in web markup and programming languages.
See Also: 10 Lucrative Small Businesses That Will Make You The Next Millionaire
3). Professional Writing:
Professional writing in select niches has proven overtime to be a great source of income to thousands of freelance writers. With various writing categories ranging from Authorship to being an editor, copywriting, transcription, and translation, the opportunities in professional writing only seems to get more lucrative.
By guest writing for various online magazines, publishing a book, or writing academic materials for students after your work day, you can earn considerably more income than the average worker.
As your professional writing business grows, your client base would expand, and your income would eventually render your salary useless.
See Also: How To Write A Business Plan: Step By Step Guide
4). Internet Marketing:
Internet markers use online resources through advertising and various other marketing strategies to drive sales and engagement with specific brands and web shops.
The internet marketer largely makes use of Email Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media, Affiliate Marketing, and more to generate leads for their clients.
If you possess a strong knowledge of internet marketing, you can first take on small businesses to help them grow their revenues via online digital tools. With every success recorded, you add a new client you can use in your sales pitch, till you land a large client.
See Also: 6 Legitimate Ways To Make Money Online From Home
5). Tax Preparation:
The beginning of every year always screams “Tax Season” for all businesses. This is the period when businesses start to account for their revenues in the last year to determine what they’re remitting back to the government. Because these tax payments are inevitable, tax preparation has become a large industry with the likes of KPMG and Deloitte topping the industry in Nigeria.
As an experienced chartered accountant, you can help small businesses prepare their books for the tax season at a far lower cost than regular businesses would.
This is one of the most profitable small business ideas you can grow every day after work.
6). Blogging:
Blogging has gradually become a lucrative revenue stream for thousands of individuals. With successful million dollar bloggers like Linda Ikeji, Mashable, TMZ, and many more raking in thousands (and hundreds of thousands) of dollars monthly, the model has more than proved itself as viable.
Pick a niche that’s unique, would add value to people’s lives, and that you’re highly experienced at. For instance, you could start a food blog to teach people how to prepare tasty meals, a handyman blog to teach people how to fix things, or a romance blog to teach people how to stay faithful in their relationships.
If what you blog about is something you have a passion for, you’d be able to follow through everyday after work, and gradually build an audience.
Quick Tip!
You can make money from blogging by setting up a blog on WordPress or Blogger. Starting for as low as only $3.95 per month, anyone can follow this link to create a WordPress blog in minutes for a really cheap rate (this low price is only through my link). In addition to the low pricing, you will receive a free website domain (originally worth $15), a free site builder, and a 30-days money-back guarantee through my Bluehost link if you purchase, at least, 12 months of blog hosting.
7). Tutoring Service:
A lot of parents hire home tutors to teach their kids in most evenings. This population of parents are largely those whose kids are still in primary school. The rest are those whose kids are in secondary school.
Taking advantage of the tutoring market to grow your income is great for anyone who intends to someday own a tutoring centre or a school.
You can visit websites like PrepClass to sign up as one of their tutors. This will help you reach a wider base of parents that could quickly hire you for your tutoring services.
See Also: 6 Profitable Home Based Businesses You Can Start Today
8). Babysitting:
Nannies are always in high demand; especially since most parents are not always around to take care of their kids, because of their tight work schedule.
You could take an after work babysitting job to take care of a family’s kids when they’re back from school, till when the parents arrive late at night.
This form of babysitting is a good way to approach a daycare business. From what you’d learn, you’d understand better how to care for kids, meet a lot of parents, and establish key relationships. When you’re ready to setup a daycare, you could reach out to your connections to let them know about your service.
9). Personal Trainer:
Most post-birth women, obese women, and simply over-sized women are desperately looking for quick ways to shed their weight. The bulk of these ladies work till 5 P.M, and only have time to visit a gym after they get home beyond 6 P.M. Upon getting home from work, they’re simply too tired and lack the required motivation to head out, that they push their workout hopes to the next day; and the cycle never ends.
The only way these ladies can workout, is if a personal trainer comes over to their homes to take them for a spin. Without the trainer’s presence, they’d only keep wishing they could reduce in size.
Some workers are not just physically fit, but also muscular. If you fall into this category, you can take on clients every evening after work, within a one hour interval. In 3 hours, you could be done, so you can prepare for the next day’s work.
Starting out as a personal trainer can build up to eventually setting up a standard gym.
See Also: How To Start A Company Without Any Business Skills
10). Bakery/Catering:
Here’s one lucrative venture. If you live in Nigeria, have you ever visited a Cakes and Cream store before? If you have, then you must have noticed the excessive crowd that’s always trying to buy or book a cake for an occasion, birthday, or other purposes. The crowd in these stores show the level of demand for baked meals that people have.
You could setup a catering service or bakery in a commercial area, and put people there to oversee it. Then you have marketers visit nearby vicinities, offices, and more to let them know of your service by sharing flyers, brochures, and even samples.
After work everyday, you should visit your store to monitor the progress, and also work on other menu items ordered for.
As people get to know about your business, the demand and customer base would gradually rise. Over a long period of time, your business would become a household name in that community.
To Sum It Up
These profitable small business ideas are great ventures salary earners could start till they eventually out-earn their jobs. Picking any of these business ideas can get you started in your entrepreneurial journey.
Good one Stan. Always a Stan of your post
Thank you for the commendation Victor.
I’m looking forward to a day we meet in person.
Someday I’ll meet most of the blog readers.
Thank you for being one.
Thank you, this is helpful
Am glad you found the article valuable Dami.
Have a great time!
Great tips really helpful
I’m glad you found the article helpful Kels.
A new follower of your blog and i must say i’m truly impressed. Always checking my mail for your posts. i will get to the top soon and i would be able to look back and appreciate u as one of those who made the climb easy.
I actually started training myself on app development and sometimes i get frustrated having to spend a whole day on the net looking for materials. second issue is that being a med doctor, wading into computer programming unaided is like a blind man attempting to move from one end of the market to another. if u can be kind enough to give a step by step guide on where to start from and how to progress, it would be highly appreciated.
for other readrs of this blog, i wish u all success, remember, motivation and belief are essential ingredients to achieving ur dreams. one love.
Hi Dr Deen.
Thanks for the commendation. I also appreciate the fact that you go through your emails everyday on the lookout for my latest blog posts. Thanks for being a reader.
Concerning App development. Are you focusing on web or mobile apps? If it’s mobile applications, I’d advice you focus on Android as it has the highest penetration rate in Africa. This book here, “Head First Android Development”, by O’Reilly is probably the best android book out in the market now. It was written with compelling visuals that’d carry you all the way, plus the android studio is the IDE the book focuses on, instead of Eclipse. So it’s very recent in it’s standards.
If it’s web apps you’re interested in learning, I’d advice you first learn how to use HTML and CSS. It’s important because, if the user experience of whatever you deliver is poor, no one would choose to pay for your service. After you’re used to HTML and CSS, then you should learn to use PHP.
Choosing between Web or Mobile is important. But I’d advice you start with Web programming first.
The choice is ultimately yours.
If self-studying doesn’t work for you, you can attend a weekend class at a computer institute like New Horizons or NIIT.
Thanks for being a blog reader once again, and have a wonderful time!
thanks a lot. you are the best
Please i need to learn graphics design. I need you to advice me on where i can get practical step by step guide on graphics design using Photoshop and illustrator. Whether its a tutorial site, a pdf or video or a tutor. Please
Hi Pascal,
Videos are best used in studying design than books.
You can start by googling “photoshop video tutorials”, then practising what you watch over and over.
But for you to be really good at design, you must have a naturally creative side of you. If you lack creativity, nothing you do will awe anyone, and you’d have wasted a lot of your own time.
Look within before you start to learn.
Thank you for asking and for being a reader.
Have a great time!
Thanks for your response. I have downloaded a full video of upto 4gb on how to use Photoshop cs6 but didn’t achieve much from it. I just need a step by step guide. Like a design project is given den a guide on how the design project was achieved. Any recommendation?
I suggest you follow this link .
Thank you for the comment.
Dear Stan,
Thank you very much for your illustration. I am currently taking classes on corel draw and other design applications . I must say it’s very interesting.
Good to know you’re learning design through the Corel Draw route Uzoma.
Thank you for the comment.
A well researched and comprehensive information. keep up the good work.
Thank you Yusuf for the commendation.
[…] 10 Businesses You Can Start & Grow Everyday After 5 P.M […]
Don’t follow your passion if you really want to make money.
Blogs don’t make money, business does.
Blog to meet a need, not because of the sake of blogging.
Indeed Okon, plain blogging doesn’t just make money. It’s the business around it that does.
Thank you for the comment.
I love your article a lot, they are good and informative
Thank you for the kind words Akeem.
Am a chartered Accountant among the ten business you outlined i think tax assessment and computation for small Enterprises can be a good business i venture into don’t know how to go about it. Your advice pls?
Hi Bulus,
I think what you’re asking for is a business plan.
We can help you prepare a comprehensive business plan for a tax assessment and computation business.
Do reach out through the contact form.
Thank you for asking.
Hello, how can one monetize his blog or website? Am planning on developing a website for my animal and crop farm, where I will post feeds and updates nearly on regular basis. I would also wish for the site to b such that can generate revenues for me. How can I go about that?
Thank you
Hi Amah,
I’ll put up a blog post soon on how to make money blogging.
Follow the site daily so you don’t miss out on it.
Thank you for asking.
Very useful information, more knowledge to ur brain sir.
Thank you for the commendation Afeez.
Nice article. I think the IT niche is taking over the part time industry. Most similar articles I read suggest services based on The same information technology niche. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the commendation Francis.
Keep up this interesting work
Thank you for the encouraging words Abuh.
They are very nice but won’t there be any other one apart from those ten? What about having electrical shop or making soaps and detergents?
Thank you for asking.
I’ll do well to include those in a future post.
Have a great time!
Hi Martins,
Later this week, I’ll put up an article on how to make money blogging.
You should look out for the blog post.
Thank you for asking.
Thank you! I’ve subcribed to learn more.
Thank you for subscribing Martina.
I’m impressed with your work here, Stan.. I’d like to start a small/medium venture. I want to know the factors and costs involved, in marketing my business online, I:e how much can i pay for a website and social media marketing..
I would also appreciate any extra advice you have to give, thanks.
Hi Fabian,
I’m gradually piecing up every start up factor on the blog.
Soon, you’ll get all the information you need through a series of blog posts.
Ensure you subscribe so you don’t miss out on the new posts.
Thank you for asking.
How do i learn how to prepare taxes for companies
Hi Chidinma,
You’d need to be a Chartered account in Nigeria for that.
But you could partner with a qualified accountant to prepare them while you source the clients.
Thank you for asking.
That was a nice short bro. This is impressive. Am a blogger and an entrepreneurs as well. And I tutor on how to make interlocking paving stones and kerbs also. Promoting entrepreneurs should always be at the peak of every one who wants to be successful in life. I give it all to you. Keep the good work
Thank you for the commendation Oladimeji.
This is nice
Thanks for the commendation Henry.
Thank you for the comment Tom.
[…] Credit: Startuptipsdaily […]
Nice work Stan, please where can I get trained on writing. I love to write but then I think I need to learn more about it.
Hi Lizzy,
I can’t directly recommend any writing school, but a google search can show you some options. A phone call and visit to them for enquiries can prove their credibility.
But ideally, the best way to start is to start.
Pick up books, practise, and show someone you know is a great writer.
Overtime, you’d improve and become really good at it.
Thank you for asking.
Highly informative piece. Good job
Thank you for the comment Nkiru.
Mr Stan am impressed with what you do here,I pray God grants you more wisdom as you raise future risk takers. Please I would want to seek your advice and knowledge but I would want that to be private,I will appreciate if I can get your email or any other means so we can communicate.
Thank you for the kind words Don.
Have a great time!
Just want to say kudos Mr stan,your work is fantastic and you have really helped a lot of people with the informations you provide.cheers
Thank you for the commendation Onyin.
Have a great time!
You deserve to be valued and adorn
Thank you for the kind words, Felix.
Beautiful wittten, learnt so much.