Readers, they say, are leaders. Every great man or woman in history was an avid reader. They didn’t just stop there, they practised what they read. Even Bill Gates at the helm of his success still reads every night and has a reading list published on his blog.
What then do you gain from reading? One of the most powerful answers you’d probably get is “to save you many years of wasted time”. When you read books, you tap into the wealth of experience and research work of people who have been there, seen it all, and done it all. They show you pitfalls to avoid, and how to better reach your destination.
When you read, you acquire knowledge that are years ahead of you, and subsequently make your hustle a lot easier.
As an entrepreneur, reading has to be a de-facto habit. The more you read, the more you learn, and the smarter your executions are. That said, here are 5 top business books every entrepreneur must read and re-read before and after starting a business.
1). The Power Of Habit:

What drives your daily habits? Why do you do the things you do, the way you do, without even realising it?
The Power Of Habit by Charles Duhigg, shows us in-depth insights into how our habits work. What triggers it, and how we unconsciously feel relieved after we’ve carried out the routine.
Why is this book important for entrepreneurs?
This book will teach any entrepreneur how to optimise their brand experience to create a craving for their products and services. This book will help you help your customers determine what they want, without them knowing you’re doing it. The book will teach you how to place the customer’s deciding fate in your own hands.
It’s a must read!
Read Also: How To Sell An Expensive Product
2). Predictably Irrational:

Traditional economics emphasises the point that people’s actions are not predictable. But in recent years, unconventional economists like Steven Levitt and Dan Ariely have shown that the reverse may be the case.
This book written by Dan Ariely, shows us a series of research carried out in different locations to determine if our actions are predictable to a great extent. And boy, was he right!
Why is this book important for entrepreneurs?
The knowledge acquired from this book will help business owners, brand experts, and marketers, better refine their approach on customer acquisition. Knowing hidden first-hand information on how people would react if a marketing stunt is executed, will help entrepreneurs make better strategic decisions.
3). Buyology:

This book written by branding expert, Martin Lindstrom, is simply a masterpiece!
The research carried out by Martin in this game changer, was heavily based on neuroscience. Which is pretty much going into the brains of the consumers to know what they truly want, even if they don’t know it.
From warning Nokia about their ringtone mayhem to positively advising some fortune 500 companies on the best approach to take-on the market, Martin totally showed true mastery.
Why is this book important for entrepreneurs?
This book will show you many customer engagement triggers. From why we should appeal more to the senses than throwing away millions of wasted Dollars on bill board adverts, to why and how we must always appeal to every customer’s emotions.
Everyone must read this book! This is definitely one of the top business books you’d come across.
See Also: Don’t Make Any Of This 7 Dangerous Sales Mistakes
4). Tribes: We Need You To Lead Us:

Seth Godin put it out well in this book. You can either be a heretic, or simply a manager. Visionaries break boundaries, they lead, and they defy the old ways before the old ways disappoint them. This book will totally change your orientation about how a group of people can be motivated for a cause.
Why is this book important for entrepreneurs?
Consumers mostly prefer to stick with the top player who’s changing things, solving their problems in unbelievable ways, and is breaking boundaries.
They’re drawn to leaders and their ideas.
This book doesn’t just enlighten you on the rudiments of leadership, it shows you how to take the helm. How a tribe is usually formed as a result of people having a similar interest, and a way to communicate.
This book will show you how to empower the consumers, which would in turn, empower your position in the market.
5). The Richest Man In Babylon:

This classic will never stop inspiring people for many generations to come. Though written as parables, the wealth of financial wisdom stored in this classic will inspire even the most doubtful mind.
Why is this book important for entrepreneurs?
Financial education is one of the most important skills any entrepreneur can acquire. Without it, all your efforts would eventually go to waste.
See Also: The Top 10 Reasons Small Businesses Fail
What other top business books have you read? Please leave a comment below.
[…] These 5 top business books for entrepreneurs will charge up the inner leader in you, and teach you proven tactics to grow your business into a success. […]
I think reading ‘The E Myth’ by Michael E. Gerber should also make the list.
Thanks Styv for your contribution.
Please if there is any link to download the ebook version of this book, it will be great
Hi Wes,
You can purchase any of these e-books on Amazon, or at a good bookstore in your city.
Thank you for the comment.
Thanks I have been looking for this. I need more books.
Good to know you found this article useful Peter.
Thank you for the comment.
people always say that the best place to invest is in urself..thanks for the head-up
Thank you for the comment Nathaniel.
Honestly speaking, this is uniquely awesome. This only shows that irrespective of thewsnumerous challenges abound in our nation,a fraction of us, can still make headway.
Thanks a million for this.
Best regards
You’re welcome, Temola.
Nice one Mr Stan.
I ve read Rich dad poor dad
Rules of Wealth
Thank you for the comment, Rex.